Sunday, January 09, 2011


I'm stuck in a rut. It's the another year and I have a lot to think about. Well, as most people....though things will take a turn for me this year. I know so. And I have to brace myself for the good fight. I've spent years learning to be brave about small things....much more with bigger things... though, there is not much difference anyway; being brave is just being brave. I will get to the bottom of this in die time. I promise.

I am facing a lot of changes I can't wait to share to most people, but for now my lips are zipped...until the right time comes.

I know one of the biggest change I have to face is still the same, learning to love myself whatever happens. I am changing bit by bit, but's still me...and people who have come to love me the way I am will always do. Life is good.