Adam wanted to take Bean to La Mesa Ecopark for a change. Of course, I was excited too because it was an opportunity to take pictures. At first our little girl kept on looking around, maybe she was overwhelmed with unfamiliarity. But a few minutes of walking did the trick...she was all smiles...well-behaved. I know that I do not look like my daughter...she is even more Caucasian looking than her half-British dad...I know people looked...they always do. Most of the time they'd blurt out how cute our daughter white she pretty...then they will look at me questioningly..
Yup...they wonder...'Is that the mom?'
Twice I've been mistaken as the YAYA of my daughter. Oftentimes they ask me what nationality my husband is. I used to get offended, but now I am just thankful that they appreciate my little girl. Even I couldn't believe I gave birth to something so lovely.

God is good, all the time.