That day was also the day I got to hold my baby for real this time, not just my short visits to the nursery. And in my head I thought...the body I had post pregnancy was all worth it because of my beautiful baby.
When we arrived home, I attempted to fit into my old clothes (tops could fit me but pants and shorts hardly come up my hips) to no avail. The doctor said I'd continue to lose weight until 6 weeks postpartum and any weight left is fat I need to work off.
It's been 4 weeks postpartum and I can say I'm getting there. Yesterday I went out in one of my old pants. I still have some weight to lose, but I'll enjoy the ride as long as I spend it with my baby :)
Besides, my husband continues to remind me everyday that I am beautiful and that I'm not fat. It means a lot to me (bola man o hindi).

My baby's hand is lovely :)