Now I know what it is like to be in a state of surrender.
I have been waiting for labor to start since week 37…then 38…nothing. I was hoping to give birth on the 39th week. I was so sure, that every little discomfort I felt I mistook for a sign of labor. We went for our 40th week appointment, with a little impatience, because I was not progressing into my labor. So the doctor gave us an option…if we wanted an induction or if we would still wait. From baby’s ultrasound, which gave an average weight of 8.93 lbs…I got so scared she might not fit into my birth canal if she got any bigger. So we scheduled for me to be induced.
I was scheduled to go to the hospital
They started my oxytocin drip again at
I woke up immediately after hearing my baby cry…I saw her being cleaned, checked…saw my mom taking photos, my dad documenting the moment (which I might upload soon)….then they put baby beside me! My first thought was…she looks so much like my husband, and so cute and adorable. I was so happy that I borrowed my mom’s phone…transferred photos to my phone…and instantly uploaded a picture via twitter. I texted my husband that our baby looks like him. I replied to my cousins who sent me messages…all this while being stitched up. LOL. I know phones aren’t allowed in the OR but my parents were there and they were the ones holding on to the phones. What luck!
I am very thankful, grateful, and blessed….
For having a great team of doctors,
For having such giving parents who spent all their time trying to ease my pains and making my fears go away…
Most of all, for having such a loving husband who always thinks of me first, giving me so much love that I felt I could do it all even if I was so scared….who is still taking good care of me after my surgery….also, helping me take care of our baby.
I was so happy when I found out I was going to have you.
Even if I was puking my guts out on the first trimester.
Even if I was gaining weight on the second.
Even if I was moody and found it hard to move on the third trimester.
Everyday we talked.
We laugh and cry together.
Everyday I wondered if you’d look more like me or your daddy.
I did not have a wonderful birth experience, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I love you so much little Bean
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