Friday, June 17, 2011

From Baby's Daddy

Yesterday, Adam sent me a message saying he's going out to buy something for our baby. I was touched and surprised by this because I rarely see men go shopping for babies. I couldn't go out much these days, and we haven't completed the things we need. I was very impressed about his decision making regarding what to buy. He bought a Chicco sterilizer and going-home outfits for our little one :)

We are really very excited, time seems to go by so slowly.......patience....patience....patience....

On the other hand, I feel happy that my nephew, Jammie, got stars on his first day of pre-school :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Custom Made

I miss coffee and tea very much. It's been 8 months since I had a cup. Coffee and tea are like water to me; it keeps my mind sharp and gives me energy through the day. Also, I miss wearing my clothes! I am very confident that I'd be able to fit in them again. But I swear, after I give birth I'd have these clothes custom made for me:

I can't wait, not just to fit into my clothes...but to meet our baby :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Baby Shower :)

Last weekend, my cousins and mom gave me a baby shower. I am very thankful for the people who were able to come. Most were unexpected, really. Like my male friends from college, I was really surprised they made it...and it made me so happy! Also some of Adam's friends :) And of course, my whole family!

Me and Adam are very very excited...just about a month more to go. Everyday I pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Most gifts were pink and girly as two ultrasounds indicated that most probably its a female ( hopefully female as all the gifts are cute :D)

Sharing the things our baby got:

We feel that our little angel is very loved. Thank you so much everyone! :)

The wait becomes longer as we get nearer D day!!!! I am getting so impatient. Yesterday, I was advised by the doctor to get lots of bed baby shopping just yet. Well, I hope things get better soon.