Saturday, February 11, 2012

Such a Coward

I have been wanting to chop all of my hair off. It's not going to be the first time....for I have done it last 2008 as you can see here:

I want to do it all over again...but I fear that it wouldn't suit me any more. See, back then I was thin. Now I am dealing with a few more pounds, still from my pregnancy...which is now down to 7. Yes I know my face is "cheeky" and a bit round...but I've seen a few stars with sort hair that have round faces, like Ginnifer Goodwin.

I have just been itching for a change.

Here are a few photos of what I want my hair to look like:

Or if I go a little more crazy...maybe something like the following:

I need help! Yes I know it's just hair. Hair grows back. My husband keeps on telling me it would look good...but the pounds say and NO. That is why I am so torn. I am still on my way to getting rid of them...jogging everyday...doing crunches. Dieting...even if my ulcer is back.

I really want to get rid of my hair...but I need more confidence.

If you were in my place...what would you do?

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